Julie Quirion

Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Julie Quirion, M.Psy (in progress), RP(Q) OCT
Julie is a bilingual Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) since 2021 and has been practicing since 2017, and she is a qualified teacher. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology as well as a Bachelor of Education. She is currently pursuing a Master's in Clinical Psychology, completing all of her core courses as well as a placement in psychotherapy as well as psychometry. Julie specializes in child therapy and she utilizes evidence-based techniques, including Emotion Focused Therapy and Play Therapy, to address behavioral issues, anxiety, trauma, depression, ADHD, and Autism. Julie offers compassionate, tailored approaches to support clients' mental health and well-being, fostering trusting relationships. Julie works with children from 4-15 years of age. She will be providing psychotherapy and will also be assisting with the delivery of psychoeducational assessments (with a special interest in French psychoeducational assessments).
Contact Julie at jquirion@bright-spot.ca