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Jill Clements-Baartman
Speech-Language Pathologist

Speech-Language Pathologist

Jill Clements-Baartman, Reg. CASLPO

With over 30 years of enthusiasm and creativity, Jill Clements-Baartman, Speech-
Language Pathologist, embraces every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.


She enjoys working with infants through to adults. With a breadth of knowledge,
experience and practical skills to support clients, caregivers and educational teams
alike. From (pre)feeding sensory-motor skills (Morrison, 1993; SOS - Advanced, 2015,
2022) to motor-speech (PROMPT level II, 1993; TalkTools-II, 2009) to language
development (Hanen, 1993), Advanced PECS (2013); Auditory-Verbal Therapy (Level
3, 2005), emotional-regulation, social-behavioural and conversational development
(ABA, 1993; VBT, 1995; CBT, 2010; RiRo, 2010; CCCC, 2019), and as a literacy
specialist (Association Method, 2002; PHAST/EMPOWER; RAVE-O, 2009; OSLA/UofT,
2015; Ascend, 2022).


Jill has a warm place in her heart for individuals with special needs.
Jill enjoys an active country life-style including photography, working with glass, tracking and re-building cars, scuba diving, upcycling furniture, and loving her furry friends -Dana, Violet and Gryffie – whom you will surely meet during your virtual sessions.

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